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Rituals to receive 2023 and be lucky

Rituales para recibir el 2023 y tener suerte

Omar Hejeile |

You cannot miss in your home, something that attracts luck and happiness, it is at the beginning of the year, where everything can be achieved, in the first twelve days, the magic is there.

A ritual you can do, A SWEETNESS of luck too, by the way you sweeten love, for a whole year it can be a solution.

Or maybe you want to learn the rituals that you must do in the year, for that you must know the cons that you must have, Signs and Cons of Witchcraft , is a book that will tell you what to do when something is wrong.

Just like in it you will find omens of luck, rituals of fortune, secrets to attract or perhaps drive away.

In 2023 you must protect yourself, magic is within your reach, there are many things you must learn, including luck and fortune you must attract.

You want a wish to come true, write it in the comments of this place, but you must give something, copy the link and you must invite three people, at dawn on January 1st we will do a ritual, so that all these wishes are for you well come true. You cannot make wishes for another person, you cannot wish badly for anyone, you cannot force someone to love, and you cannot wish for something with the dead.

For this to come true, at home, on the first of January, in the dining room of his house, three crossed spoons for that day, he will put, on each one, three different seeds, he must leave.

Men, on the first of January, will wear a sock backwards, women will do a small braid on the right side.

In the corners of your house on the first of January you must water 12 grains of rice, to attract prosperity.

Remember if you don't share it, it won't work.


Hola Omar mi deseo ue mi negocio me vaya a bien mis ventas sen constan tes y productivas .nunca falte mi alimento grcaias

Deseo Tener Muchos Clientes En Mis Ventas ,

Deseo susbribirme y recibir notificaciones de las programaciones. Gracias

Sabrina Benenfeld,

Hola omar, me gustaría tener el ritual, muchas gracias

Isabel Cristina Martínez ,


Pablo ,

Disfrutando que llegó el amor,a casa y junto con el oportunidades para mí hija, mi pareja creciendo profesionalmente en armonía con mi pasión para ayudar a formar a otras personas, con gran sabiduría

Angélica ,

Gracias por tanta enseñanza

Ingrid JOHANA,

Omar gracias por compartir con nosotros toda tu sabiduría

Viviana Muñoz ,

Deseo sabiduría infinita e inteligencia para saber hacer prosperar rápidamente mi negocio

Verónica Garduño Hernández ,

Prosperidad para mi negocio

Sarahi Jimenez ,

Muchas gracias salud y prosperida


Con todo el amor, dedicación y de mi mano hacer crecer mis categorías laborales de una manera muy especial y grande.

Andres Acevedo Pinto,

Deseo paciencia para controlar mis emociones calma y sabiduría para hacer de mi vida y la de mi familia una vida mejor


Deseo sabiduría .

Sandra ,

Mi deseo este 2023 es poder tener la fortaleza interior para vencer con sabiduría e inteligencia todos los obstáculos que se presente, manteniendo una fuerte conexión con mi escencia.


Deseo sabiduría para un progreso completo

Pablo ,

Deseo Sabiduría, con ella materializar todo el porvenir de mi vida.

Dayana Pérez,

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